Learn the 2 Powerful Secrets of Happy Teenagers
How is it that some Teenagers are Happy and some are not?
I strongly believe that no Teenager wants to be unhappy, if however you want to always stay bubbling, then you must read this.
Happiness is not having all of the good life. It’s not being to the cinemas every day, staying all night on Netflix, or Daddy drops you off at school with a Mercedes Benz Maybach.
Your being Happy does not depend on good grades, partying at every high school prom, or having salads, chips and peppered chicken for dinner.
So, if all these do not make you happy as a Teenager. What then will make you Happy?
Dressing up in Luis Vuitton and Gucci for prom, receiving applauds at valedictory service or having friends who always want to see you smile.
What does Happiness mean to you as a Teenager?
Happiness does not mean you don’t have worries as a young star. It does not mean you will meet pizza in the oven after school, or that Daddy can afford summer to the Bahamas.
Happiness is being full of life, even amidst the troubles that come with being a Teenager.
Happiness is still being able to wear a smile when Daddy can’t afford college fees, or Mummy says you will have to work after school to support the family.
You are happy when you can without being hurt help your friend get through college exams, when your hope to have a degree are dimmer that the evening sun.
Happiness is contentment, which comes from the quest to see the world a better place. And to achieve this as a Teenager, there are secrets that Happy Teenagers use.
Optimism Is Their Watchword
Optimism is the Vehicle of your Teen Age.
Optimism is your response to priorities that concern your Teenage life.
How do you respond when the Doctor says your health is failing because of too many candies and beverage drinks?
Or do you cry out your eyes in the Garage when you find out, your parents are having a divorce.
Happy Teenagers don’t fret and they remain optimistic of tomorrow.
They remain positive about their Dad’s paycheck, if mummy will go to the grocery store and are sure that they will score good grades in the Arithmetic Test.
If their expectations are however not met, they still remain positive with the hope of a brighter tomorrow.
You hear an Optimistic Teenager say — I am excited about resuming work tomorrow, I can’t wait to meet my new colleagues.
For such a Teenager, it’s the start of something great, with a positive impact on his life.
They are not bugged about the underlying cause of why they are working shifts when their friends are riding in SUVs’ or going on movie nights.
Happy Teenagers don’t wallow in defeat, rather they pick up from where life hit them and look for how to avoid the pitfalls again.
Happy Teenagers don’t blame the lecturer for bad grades. They don’t cry out their eyes when they exhaust their transport fare — rather, they confidently walk up to strangers, and ask with a smile “can you help me with a ride home”
Optimism is the preferred meal of Happy Teenagers.
Healthy Relationships Help Them Shine
If there is one thing, every one underestimates including Teenagers, it is healthy relationships.
Don’t you wish that you walk into class, and you are welcomed by a group of happy guys?
Relationships are important in Life. Healthy Relationships are Life Savers.
The relationships you keep as a Teenager will determine your emotional level.
Your happiness in life has a direct link to your relationships. When your friends are not optimistic about life — it will definitely have its effect on you.
It will be almost impossible to be happy in a group of unenthusiastic guys, who just go about college wailing, blaming the lecturers for failing a course.
You can’t be happier than the average of your friends.
But How do Healthy Relationships make you Happy?
These guys are always bubbling, not stressed about the worries at home or the phonetics exams coming up in three days.
They are the guys that tease the class with great jokes, never get mad at offences and you only see them in the boxing ring, when they go as peacemakers.
They walk you down to the store where you work at the close of school and help you with the accounting books if your boss permits. They had even help tell the teachers and friends in school, about how well you are doing at your new place of work.
These guys will help you out with assignments, stand for you before the lecturer, and run your mother’s errands while you stay extra hours at work.
And they text you every night, reminding you of the greatness ahead of you.
If you don’t have friends who keep you happy, look for the boys who make the class lively, and embrace them.