3 Tips for Academic Excellence in 2019
Excellence is a journey that never ends.
At every point of our academic journey, we want to surpass the previous record. The guy who scores a 95 in Algebra, will not want to get lower grades in the next exams.
Every student wants to perform better than they did the previous session.
I remember crying my eyes sore when I finished second in class a few years back. I had been sick through the exam period and could not meet up with a few academic demands. I felt disgusted, and out of place; not because I had a poor result, but because I didn’t meet my expected performances.
The school year has resumed again, and the most important goal of students is to get excellent grades at the end of the year. You know most students desire to have their name called out at the school hall, with all of their colleagues cheering them with rasping applause.
It builds rare confidence as you walk past your schoolmates, to the Arena where the head teacher awaits you with a handshake and award for being the best in your class or faculty.
If you want your name echoed at the school valedictory service for academic excellence, here are a few tips.
Relationships are the way to go in a new year. You will have to do self-reflection and check what your present friends have offered you in school works. If all you do is hang out at the cafeteria, critic the basketball team and poke the new foreign student, then you should have a rethink.
If these guys are not contributing anything meaningful to your academics, and you can’t take a phonetics or chemistry brainteaser to any of your school friends. It is then imperative that you need to check the value of the relationship to you.
The only reason why you can’t pass Algebra or get your Accounting assignment right is that none of your close friends can help you out.
You can’t rise above your network.
This means if the average score of your friends in school is 60%, then you will remain a mid-class student.
Hence, to get better grades and excel better — you will have to stay off friends who are not contributing to your academic performances and also don’t want to get better grades.
I must confess that praying is one of my favourite routines. I enjoy talking to God a lot, just about anything and everything. I get a bit of relief when I start my day with prayers, as I am assured that the owner of the day has got me covered.
You need to talk to God at every point of your academic work. It takes away the stress of fear, anxiety and understanding because you are assured God won’t let you down.
Praying at school means calling God to ensure your success while you do your good works.
It’s like going to England and calling the Queen you are in town. She will, of course, ensure your safety in the country, while you oblige to security rules.
Prayer ensures that God will help you in your school works, even when you stumble. In situations where you lack understanding, he impresses it in your heart to talk to the right mates who can help out or he just sends help out of the blues.
It’s not always instincts when you meet a new guy in class, who agrees to help out with a course and gets you to understand in a few minutes. I tell you it was God who orchestrated that the plan.
You might say “hey but I don’t pray” I can assure you, someone else has been talking to God on your behalf.
However, make it a personal duty to talk to God about school this year, and watch Him lead you to success.
God has never failed anyone who prayed to him.
The Internet came disrupting the way we access information.
You can type History assignment question in search engine, and boom, you have loads of answer on your screen.
The internet gives you access to unlimited information, and how to serve them.
Your duty with the internet this year is to spend more time researching about school works. You can always stay ahead of the class with the internet, and even answer questions that seem quite difficult for the instructor.
The internet refines your knowledge about school work, gives you a better understanding and distinguishes you from classmates. This is because you have additional knowledge, but they are limited to just the books and the views of the course instructor.
Your success in life is dependent on the level of information at your reach.
If you don’t know that Lebron James is a basketball player, you will miss a few points in your Physical Education course work.
The internet is also available to help you verify classroom opinions. The instructor might incorrectly call Richard Branson the founder of Apple Inc, instead of Steve Jobs. Good use of the internet is a way to enlighten the teacher and inform other classmates.
Now that you have these tips, get to school and get good grades. I had expect to see your valedictory pictures at the end of the year.